Compliance Certification

The Compliance Certification provides extensive evidence (a narrative and supporting documentation) of compliance with the Principle of Integrity and each of the accreditation standards.  Our peer reviewers working with SACSCOC expect to see continuous assessment of academic programs as well as administrative areas. Complete faculty credentials are also required for the review.

The Compliance Certification covers basic, broad-based foundational requirements that institutions must meet to be accredited.  The standards reflect basic expectations such as:

  • Degree granting authority
  • Governing board and chief executive officer
  • General education requirements that offer a breadth of knowledge
  • Adequate numbers of faculty
  • Student support, financial, physical, and learning resources

For a more in-depth look at the SACSCOC requirements, see the document Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement.  The new criteria, updated in 2018, cover many aspects important to the management of an excellent institution of higher education, but place a special emphasis on integrity, quality improvement, and student learning.